Standards & Assessment
English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards
The ELP standards are learning targets that focus on the learning needs of the wide range of English learner (EL) students from pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade who come from widely diverse cultural, linguistic, and educational backgrounds and are at different stages of English language acquisition. Unlike other content standards, they take into account the critical role of language learning in the achievement of content and specifically focus on the learning styles and instructional needs of EL students. ELP standards are a bridge for EL students to gain access to content instruction in English. Learn more about the ELP standards
English Learners are assessed yearly to measure their proficiency in learning English. That assessment is the English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21stCentury (ELPA 21). West Virginia is part of a 10 state consortium that administers the ELPA 21. The test is administered yearly between February and March. Students are scored on levels ranging from Emerging, Progressing and Proficient. Scores are returned to the school system in August and sent home. English Learners will also participate yearly in WVMAP assessment. They can be given accommodations for the assessment. To learn more about the ELPA 21 Assessment.