School-Based Health Expands to South Middle

Potomack Intermediate School Welcomes City National Bank as New Business Partner

Martinsburg North Middle School Partners With Shenandoah Community Health

Mill Creek Intermediate Receives Donated School Supplies from Jefferson Security Bank
Goals and Objectives
Dues Structure
Meeting Information 2023-2024
Teacher Classroom Grants

In January 2023, the Berkeley County Business Education Partnership reviewed 80 teacher classroom grant applications and awarded 30 projects totaling nearly $10,500.00. The selected projects support PreK-12 general education, special education, academics and the arts. Selected grants were also submitted by school counselors, speech therapists and social workers. It is believed this may be the most applications ever submitted in a grant year.
The objective of the Partners in Education educational grant program is to support the schools’ instruction, curriculum, and classroom environment. Grant applications benefiting a greater number of students across the grant may receive top priority. This program provides grants up to $500 and will be awarded to classrooms within Berkeley County Schools serving students PreK-12.
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