Get Connected! Stay Informed!
We want to stay connected to you. A variety of communication tools are used to share news, updates, events, celebrations, and emergency notifications. Review the list and Get Connected to Berkeley County Schools.

NTouch Email
District announcements, events, activities and newsletters are shared to parent emails. In the case of an emergency the district may use email in addition to other communication tools.
TAKE ACTION: Be sure the primary email address for your student is provided in the Annual Emergency Information Update to ensure delivery of Ntouch email. If you are not listed as a primary or secondary guardian for a student please sign up for the BCS NTouch Community List.

NTouch Phone Calls
If your student is absent or tardy from school, the primary contact for the student will receive a telephone call. Keep your primary phone number up to date with your child’s school .
TAKE ACTION: The primary parent cellular phone number must be provided in the Annual Emergency Information Update to ensure delivery of Ntouch parent texts. If you have not already completed this form, click on the link below. If you are not listed as a primary or secondary guardian for a student please sign up for the BCS NTouch Community List.

NTouch Text Alerts
In the case of an emergency the district will send text notifications to the primary & secondary cellular numbers listed on the student Annual Emergency Information Update. District announcements, events, activities and newsletters are shared to parent emails.
TAKE ACTION: The primary parent cellular phone number must be provided in the Annual Emergency Information Update to ensure delivery of Ntouch text alerts. If you have not already completed this update, you may click below to complete the form. If you are not listed as a primary or secondary guardian for a student please sign up for the BCS NTouch Community List.

District App Push Notifications
The district app combines news, announcements and events in one convenient location. Enable notifications for schools of your choice. App pushes may also be used in cases of emergency.
TAKE ACTION: Everyone is encouraged to download the Berkeley County Schools WV app and select the schools you wish to follow. You must also enable notifications to receive push alerts.

The district and school websites provide general information and news, colorful photos highlighting students and staff, and lots of helpful information. Board of Education and emergent notices could be added in a pop-up.
GET CONNECTED: Visit the district and school websites and enjoy pictures, celebrations and information to keep you informed.
Sign Up for WVDE Closing, Delay, and Early Dismissal Notifications
The West Virginia Department of Education provides closing, delay and early dismissal notifications via email. If you wish to subscribe or manage your message settings through the WVDE system, please visit:

Social Media
The district can quickly post general and emergency news, pictures and features of our schools, students and staff.
TAKE ACTION: Follow us on the following social media sites:
Facebook District: berkeleycountyschools
Facebook (Español): BerkCoSchoolsWVES
Facebook Human Resources: BCSCareers
LinkedIn: Berkeley County Schools WV
Instagram: BerkCoSchoolsWV
Flickr: berkcoschoolswv
YouTube: @berkeleycountyschoolswv7858

Local New Sources
Media partners provide inclement weather school status updates and provide coverage for school and district events and activities.
WEPM Radio 1340 AM/93.7 FM
WLTF Radio 97.5 FM
WRNR Radio 740AM/106.5 FM
The Journal
The Herald-Mail
Television News : NBC4, FOX5, ABC7, WUSA9, DC News Now

Event flyers provided by our schools and community non-profits are shared on Wednesday to the primary contact person email. BCS staff will receive flyers via their k12 email and can also view them from each school's Peachjar page.
GET CONNECTED: The primary parent email address provided in the Annual Emergency Information Update is the recipient of Peachjar flyers. Others may sign up to receive them by clicking the link below.

There’s never too much good news! Shout outs and prideful moments that characterize BCS are celebrated and honored from the home page of the website and shared in our app.
TAKE ACTION: Scroll to the InterCOMM area of the district and school websites to celebrate with us and stay connected to important notices.