High school juniors/seniors: HBCU Festival is Nov. 17-18. Transportation available with limited seats. See school counselor. Read more here: https://www.smore.com/6mdsg
WVSSAC coaching classes offered locally in October. READ HERE: https://www.smore.com/jvnuw
Don't Forget! Tomorrow, September 21st, is our Annual Bullying Prevention Kickoff Event at War Memorial Park from 5pm -7pm. More Details: https://fb.me/e/42Ch3hCu8
To celebrate Attendance Awareness Month, K-12 students will receive a great communication tool this week from the BCS attendance office. Read HERE: https://www.smore.com/rn4yu
Attendance notifications to primary contacts will begin tomorrow, Sept. 15. Learn more about the importance of attendance in student success. MORE: https://www.smore.com/vdm692
Free virtual tutoring begins tomorrow, Sept. 11th. Details provided here in addition to four community events for your review & consideration. MORE: https://www.smore.com/sfm3k
West Virginia General Summative Assessment (WVGSA) results will be sent home from school with your student on Friday, September 8, 2023. DETAILS: https://www.smore.com/j0n12
Welcome to September! Please review this message from Superintendent Stephens about attendance month and health & wellness. HERE: https://www.smore.com/94sfzn
A Message from Superintendent Stephens, August 29, 2023: https://www.smore.com/b1tfx
When you download the NEW and improved Berkeley County Schools WV app, you will #StayInformed with school and district events and special notices, view calendars, and receive push notifications to the schools of your choice. #BeInvested by being informed. https://www.smore.com/qdy0g
We are ready! See you on Monday! Superintendent Stephens has a message for you, & we've included a BTS Student Success Checklist. HERE: https://www.smore.com/jz4bs
Back to school preparation tools and tasks sprinkled into this message for you. Take a minute to review for NEW app information, sales tax holiday, orientations and school supplies. SMORE: https://www.smore.com/m96ew
Retired Police Chief George Swartwood has been named a BCS Champion for Education.
Ron Stephens has been sworn in as the next Superintendent for Berkeley County Schools.
The learning never stops at Summer SOLE! Students are learning new skills by creating letters with their own printing press made from potatoes. Thank you to Mrs. Sonya Shockey for engaging students in this fun activity!
We would like to recognize hard work by our students and staff for organizing and participating in the inaugural Unified Bocce Ball Tournament this Spring. Thank you for putting your athletic talents on display and bringing our school community together!
The Board of Education recognized the Berkeley County Schools Golden Horseshoe Recipients at the June 5, 2023 Board Meeting. Becoming a Knight of the Golden Horseshoe is one of the highest honors a 8th Grader in WV can achieve.