This week, we are celebrating Cary Burgoyne as our GEM of the week!
“Cary Burgoyne is a true leader at Mountain Ridge Middle School. She makes decisions in our building, considering everyone's needs and feelings. She is so positive about anything extra that gets put on our plates; she finds the good in all of us every day. Cary has been our faculty senate president for 10 years since our building opened. She has also led our student council and implemented many student-centered activities for our students so they, too, can find a place to belong in our school. Cary has been on our hiring committee and spends many days in the summer completing interviews for our newly hired staff members. Cary gives 100% of herself 100% of the time! She is a true gem!”
-Mrs. Campbell
Thank you, Cary! BCS and MRM are lucky to have you as a part of our school community.