Instruction, Exit Procedures & Monitoring
Language Instruction Education Program (LIEP)
Under ESEA and WVBE Policy 2417, each LEA is required to provide ELs with effective LIEPs and language assistance that results in improved English language proficiency and academic achievement. The LEA is required to provide EL services and programs, until ELs are proficient in English and can participate meaningfully in educational programs without EL supports. Students in West Virginia are provided with language support in a pull out and/or push in program that ranges from 1-4 times per week from 30-42 minutes.
Exit Procedures
Once identified as EL, a student will continue to receive EL language assistance supports through the LIEP until reaching a determination of proficient in English. At this level, the student should be able to meaningfully engage with the state’s challenging academic standards without intensive EL language supports. ESEA and WVBE Policy 2417 regulates the annual ELP Assessment that must be administered to all ELs in order to monitor the progress that students are making in developing English language proficiency. The annual ELP assessment serves as the measurement that is utilized to formally reclassify or exit a student from EL status and their LIEP. WVBE Policy 2417 identifies a student score of proficient on the West Virginia ELP Assessment as the formal criteria for exiting EL status.
After a student has successfully met the exit criteria established in WVBE Policy 2417, LEAs must monitor the academic progress of the former EL for a period of two years. Note that reporting requirements in ESEA as amended by ESSA extends the reporting of academic progress for 4 years after a student has exited EL status. The West Virginia Department of Education does not prescribe a specific monitoring form or process. The monitoring process is intended to ensure that a student is able to meet the state’s academic standards and meaningfully participate in the instructional program comparable to their never EL peers. If through the monitoring process an exited EL is not progressing academically as expected, a process for re-entry may be considered. Using data and evidence gathered through the monitoring process, an EL SAT/EL Committee team consisting of content teachers, EL specialists, and the child’s parent or guardian, may initiate the process for re-entry. The decision to initiate the re-entry must be based on academic performance and must be attributable to the child’s English language development. The statewide screener used for initial identification should be re-administered and will serve as a valid, reliable, and grade-appropriate ELP assessment for reclassification. If the ELP assessment qualifies a student for El services, the practices identified within the entrance procedures of this document will be followed again until the child successfully meets the established exit criteria. The LEA should document the reasons why a student has been reentered into EL services including documentation of parental consent.