Entrance, Screening & Notification
Entrance Procedures Home Language Survey
All LEAs are required to implement a home language survey (HLS) as part of the registration process for all students at the time of enrollment. The intent of the HLS is to gather information about a student’s language background and identify students whose primary language or home language is other than English. This step initiates a timely process of identifying potential ELs who might need language assistance services in order to be successful in the instructional setting. a. West Virginia has adopted the minimally compliant HLS questions that have been approved by the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). The three questions include:
What is the primary language used in the home, regardless of the language spoken by the student?
What is the language most often spoken by the student?
What is the language that the student first acquired?
These questions are included on the enrollment card that is issued upon enrollment in school.
A response of a language other than English, to one a more of the HLS questions, should result in the next step of testing/screening.
Students (potential ELs) who have an indication of a primary language other than English as determined by the Home Language Survey (enrollment card), must be assessed via a valid and reliable English language proficiency (ELP) screener that examines the domains of speaking, listening, reading and writing. a. In order to determine whether the student should be classified as EL, LEAs will implement the statewide screener starting with the 2018-2019 school year. Prior to the 2018-2019 school year, LEA’s may utilize a valid and reliable, locally selected ELP screener. The Woodcock Munoz is the screener that is used in Berkeley County and most all counties in West Virginia.
Students scoring proficient on the ELP screener do not meet the definition of EL in WV and should not be classified as EL. The student will not be eligible to participate in a language assistance program. Students who do not score proficient on the ELP screener should be formally classified as EL. The student will be eligible to participate in a language instruction educational program (LIEP)
Title I of ESEA requires that LEAs provide parental notification to parents and families of ELs regarding LIEPS and related program information (ESEA Section 1112(e)(3)). This section of Title I also specifies the timelines and specific information that must be included as part of the parental notification. WVBE Policy 2417 also references the federal timelines that must be met in notifying parents and families so that ELs may begin receiving services within a reasonable time upon formal identification. The LEA must provide a parent or guardian with notification of a child’s identification as EL and the provisions for an LEIP no later than 30 days after the beginning of the school year. For those children who have not been identified as EL prior to the beginning of the school year but are identified during such school year, the LEA will provide notification during the first 2 weeks of identification. The notification to the parent must include federally-defined criteria including: reason for identification, the child’s ELP level, method of instruction for LIEP, characteristics of LIEP to support individual instruction and academic achievement, LIEP exit criteria, any SWD service coordination if applicable, and parental rights.