Berkeley County Schools District Wide Family and Community Engagement Policy
Title I, Part A (Title I) is a federal program first enacted as a result of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 under the supervision of President Lyndon B. Johnson as a part of his War on Poverty campaign. The law was re-authorized in 2015 as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
Based on a series of formulas and calculations, schools that meet the criteria needed to qualify as a Title I school receive supplemental funds in order to provide additional academic support and opportunities for students attending those schools.
Title I funds are used for supplemental schoolwide educational services in the form of an interventionist working with students who need additional academic support as well as additional supplemental academic supplies and resources for students.
Title I funds are used for supplemental schoolwide educational services in the form of an extended day and/or extended year program where students needing additional academic support can receive tutoring services. Funds may also be used for enrichment activities during an extended day and/or year program.
Title I funds are used for parent/guardian and family engagement activities both during school hours and after school hours.
Title I funds are used for professional development related to instruction and student social/emotional learning for professional and service staff at a Title I school.
ESSA Budget Process:
CONGRESS appropriates funding every year through the legislative process.
U. S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION allocates funds to each state agency based on the Title I formula in statute. These funds are distributed to the state education department.
STATES distribute funds to districts based on U.S. Department of Education guidelines.
DISTRICTS determine funding for schools based on a set of rules known as “ranking and serving.”
SCHOOLS spend funds to benefit the whole school in a schoolwide program.
Berkeley County Schools strives to develop a full partnership with parents/guardians, family members, and community members while providing a quality education for all students. Parents/guardians, family members, and community members need a full understanding of the educational opportunities provided for children in our schools. We desire and encourage a relationship which promotes the maximum involvement of these stakeholders.
Berkeley County Schools Vision Statement: We inspire and empower ALL learners, preparing the for limitless opportunities.
Berkeley County Schools Mission Statement: We provide a safe, inclusive, and adaptive learning environment with multiple pathways to success.
LEA – Local Education Agency – Berkeley County Schools
ESEA – Elementary and Secondary Education Act – the largest federal contribution to K-12 education created in 1965 to help local public school systems improve educational services to children in poverty. ESEA has evolved over the last 40 years to include fiscal responsibilities, parental involvement requirements, and student testing for accountability.
ESSA – Every Student Succeeds Act – the 2015 re-authorization of ESEA – includes the same federal requirements as ESEA. ESSA includes a more stringent accountability system through a mandate for annual testing of all children in reading and math in grades 3 through 8, as well as once in high school. The accountability system indicates the identification of low-performing schools and the interventions or consequences for those schools.
PARENT/GUARDIAN – refers to the adult persons directly involved with the well-being of the child participating in Title I, Part A programs under ESSA. This may include: biological parent(s), custodial parent(s), guardians, and foster parent(s)
FAMILY – refers to the adult persons directly involved with the well=being of the child participating in Title I, Part A program under ESSA. This may include: brother(s), sister(s), aunt(s), uncle(s), grandparent(s).
COMMUNITY – refers to all other people involved in supporting the child participating in Title I, Part A programs under ESSA. This may include: neighbor(s), school staff, businesses, etc.
INVOLVEMENT – refers to the participation of parents/guardians/family members in school events or activities where teachers provide learning resources or information about their student’s academic achievement. Teachers hold the primary responsibility to set educational goals for the student.
ENGAGEMENT – refers to the efforts by the school district and schools to seek input from all parents/guardians and family members, and to engage parents/guardians and family members as partners in their child’s education and in decision-making.
PARENT AND FAMILY ENGAGEMENT – refers to the participation of parents/guardians and/or family members in regular, two-way meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities.
BCS ensures:
that parents/guardians and family members play an important role in assisting their child’s learning.
that parents/guardians and family members are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school.
that parents/guardians and family members are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.
that the activities described in ESSA and in the Family and Community Engagement Policy are carried out.
Berkeley County Schools will:
incorporate the district-wide family and community engagement policy into its LEA plan developed under ESSA.
monitor and the schools receiving Title I funding to ensure the required school-level parent/guardian and family engagement policies meet the requirements of ESSA.
provide full opportunities for the participation of parents/guardians with limited English proficiency, parents/guardians with disabilities, and parents/guardians of migratory children, including providing information and school reports required under ESSA in an understandable and uniform format and, including alternative formats upon request, to the extent practicable in a language parents/guardians understand.
provide the opportunity for parents/guardians to submit any comments to the West Virginia Department of Education if they find the plan to be unsatisfactory.
include parents/guardians of children in schools receiving Title I, Part A funding in decisions concerning how the funds reserved for parent/guardian and family engagement are spent.
Title I Schools will:
meet annually with parents/guardians and family members in order to explain the Title I program and inform parents and family members of their right to be involved in the education of their child.
offer additional meetings to explain the program at flexible in order to reach the maximum number of parent/guardian and family member participants.
involve parents/guardians and family members annually in the planning, review, and improvement of the school’s parent and family engagement policy.
provide parents/guardians and family members with a description and explanation of the curriculum being used in the schools, including the types of academic assessments used to measure student progress and the achievement levels of the challenging state academic standards.
provide opportunities for regular meetings at Title I schools in order to convey suggestions and participate in decisions related to the education of their child if requested by the parent/guardian or family member.
invite and encourage all parents/guardians and/or family members to attend the informational meeting to be held by the end of October. This can be included as part of orientation meetings or other all-school event. Translation services may be provided upon request.
ensure the Home/School Compact, required in Title I funded schools, is reviewed and discussed with parents/guardians and family members as it relates to the individual child’s achievement.
ensure that parent/guardian and family policies and compacts are distributed to parents/guardians and families of all children in Title I schools.
recommend effective parent/guardian and family engagement literature, materials, and/or programs to parents/guardians and family members.
train teachers to effectively work with parents/guardians and family members.
Conduct an annual meeting in the fall to update Title I school staff on any changes in state or country policies.
Ensure monthly budget updates are provided to each title I school.
Evaluate spending of each Title I school and approve necessary, reasonable, and allowable expenditures in a timely manner.
Conduct an annual meeting in the spring of all Title I budget contacts and principals to release preliminary budgets and plan for upcoming school year.
Conduct two district-wide parent/guardian and family engagement events.
Conduct an annual parent/guardian and family engagement training with a Title I staff representative from each Title I school.
Conduct an annual evaluation in the spring of each school’s Title I program.
The Berkeley County Schools Family and Community Engagement Policy has been developed jointly with, and agreed on with, parents/guardians of children attending schools participating in Title I, Part A programs, as evidenced by Betty Anne Powell, Director of Federal Programs for Berkeley County Schools. This policy was adopted by Berkeley County Schools on June 30, 2023 and will be in effect for the period of one year. The school district will post this policy on the Berkeley County School’s website for the school year 2023-2024.
Betty Anne Powell, Director of Federal Programs
Berkeley County Schools
Updated May 2024