students playing on new instruments
Martinsburg South Middle School students prepare to go join the Wesleyan North Central West Virginia Honor Band with students from Spring Mills Middle School and Spring Mills High School.
Annette Jordan
image of food on a tray
Laura Jarret., Alcia Riggleman, Dr. Saxe, members of the board
Melissa Hollen, Tyler Long, Dr. Saxe, and members of the board
yler Hawn is pictured in the recording room for BCS Unplugged, Berkeley County Schools’ new podcast.
students performing
Pictured, from left, are Spring Mills High School FFA adviser Tyler Butts and FFA members Shyanne Stickles, McKenzie Phebus, Paige Knott and Grant Bolyard.
Luis Rivas
students tuning thier violins
school lunch
Heather Nowell
Kevin Lemaster, Chande Pence, Dr. Saxe, and members of the board
charolette Sherman with Rosemont Administration, members of the board, and dr. Saxe
Ann Lansberger
students playing with piano's
Max Anderson reading to pre schoolers
Charity Ballard