Concert Dress Code

A band concert is a formal event, not like a pep rally or football game. Serious musicians avoid creating visual distractions that take the audience's attention away from the music. When you consider clothing to wear for a concert, ask yourself "Is there anything about this outfit that will draw attention to me?" There are three main choices that will present us as serious musicians.  Dress options are not gendered.

  1. All Black

  2. Black Dress

  3. Black Suit


  1. Short skirts/deep necklines

  2. Bright-colored ties or other accessories

  3. White socks

  4. Athletic shoes/flip flops/Crocs/other non-professional footwear

  5. Anything else that makes you stand out against a background of black clothing, black curtains, and a neutral-colored stage


The band accepts donations of gently-used concert clothing to lend to others.