Graduation cap with a rolled paper, diploma, and a graduation card
students in the new cafe
From left, the following James Rumsey culinary students represented their high schools at the {span}WV State ProStart Hospitality Cup Competition: {/span}Ashlyn Gardner, Spring Mills senior; Virginia (Annie) Wright, Hedgesville senior; Fran Marrero, Jefferson senior; Aliya Williams, Hedgesville senior; and Bernardo Santos, Musselman junior.
Members of Spring Mills High School Student Leadership and their mascot give high fives after the safety presentation at Potomack Intermediate School.
Jayden Carswell
students bowling
Kirsten Bond
Scott, Alicia, steve, board members, and dr. saxe
ERin, Alicia, board members, Dr. Saxe
Jordan Dube, Alicia, teacher, Dr. SAxe, and members of the board
Makayla Cook
Olivia, Coach, Dr. Saxe, and Members of the board
Rennae Reid
Members of the Musselman High School choir are pictured during their visit to Charleston.
people passing clothes
students playing on new instruments
image of food on a tray
Laura Jarret., Alcia Riggleman, Dr. Saxe, members of the board
school lunch
crowd of people