Print Shop Ordering

  1. All jobs must be submitted to your school designee as a named PDF.  For jobs that must be scanned to a PDF, we suggest you name it at the scanner to make it easier to find. If you have multiple sets, each set must be submitted as a separate PDF. 

  2. A Print Shop Order Request form must be submitted to your school designee as a separate PDF.  Please fill out this form completely, including such things as collated/uncollated, 1-sided/2-sided, and quantity needed. Please include your email address and remember to check your email often in case the Print Shop has questions. 

  3. Folded and stapled booklets must have a BODY that is divisible by 4 (16, 40, 72) or    4-1(15, 39, 71). The cover is separate and can have 1 to 4 pages (front – outside/inside and back – inside/outside). The maximum number of pages we can fold is 72, including covers. 

  4. It is strongly recommended that you order only what you need for each quarter at the beginning of the preceding quarter. If you have spiral-bound books that cover a whole year, we suggest you break them down into quarters to be folded and stapled (see #3). That procedure is far less costly and time-consuming.  

  5. Be aware that your school designee may not be available to submit your requests over school breaks. 

  6. All requests must be approved by your administrator before submission. Each principal will advise you as to the procedure for your school. 

  7. Be mindful that what you're requesting is not a copyright violation. If you are using copyrighted materials, please include a copy of the copyright, license agreement, or permission along with your request.

Please see Ms. Chapman with any questions.

Print Shop Website

Access the catalog and the print shop request form here. Please email the request form and a PDF copy of the copyright free item you're using to Ms Chapman for submission to the print shop.