Musselman High School

Student Information 2024-2025

New Student Information

As a new student (either freshman or transferring from another school), you will need to complete the following form to sign up for your new Musselman South Berkeley Community Library card. This card will also be used as your public library card in Berkeley County at any public library.  

How do I find a specific book?

Watch the video below for directions on how to locate books online.

Where do I return Library Materials?

Book return inside the library is the side counter of the circulation desk.

Inside book drop

Book return outside is located in the bus loop by the teacher parking lot.

Outside book drop

About the Library


2024-2025 Library  

  • The Musselman South Berkeley Community Library is a PUBLIC library AND a HIGH SCHOOL library.

  • The Musselman South Berkeley Community Library is open to students during the school day Monday through Friday unless closed for a special event or class.

  • The library is open during lunch on school days for students. See Mrs. Beddow outside the library EACH morning before 1st period to sign up for lunch and receive a pass. There is no eating or drinking in the library.