Parent and Family Engagement Policy

Winchester Avenue Elementary School


Part 1: General Expectations:

Winchester Avenue Elementary agrees to implement the following requirements:

  • We will implement meaningful learning opportunities through programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement and engagement of parents and family members.

    • These programs and activities will align with the definition of parent and family engagement: The participation of parents/family members in regular, two-way, meaningful communication involving student academics.

  • We will ensure it meets the required school-level parent and family engagement policies to meet the requirements of ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act).  This includes a parent/family- school compact.

  • We will provide programs and activities for all parents including those with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, migratory parents and economically disadvantaged parents.

  • We will increase math and reading achievement through parent/family involvement activities.

 Part 2: Implementation

  • We will involve parents in the development of its school-wide parent and family engagement plan.

    • Parent/family representatives will make suggestions for Winchester Avenue Elementary through LSIC.  

    • We will involve parents/family members in the process of school review and improvement.

    • Encourage parent/family members to attend meetings to inform them of the goals, objectives, activities and services as described in the school’s five-year strategic plan.

  • We will build a strong partnership with parent/family members so we can work together toward high achievement.

    • Parents/family members will be provided with frequent reports on their child’s academic progress through interim reports, schoology reports and SeeSaw.

    • We will provide information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities in the language used in homes.

    • Winchester Avenue will offer meetings, activities and programs at a variety of times to maximize the opportunity for parents/family members to participate.

  • Winchester Avenue Elementary will promote communication through parent-teacher conferences, newsletters, progress reports, report cards, Schoology messaging, etc. to assist parent/family members in:

    • developing an understanding of their role in monitoring their child’s progress,

    • working with educators to improve the performance of their child, 

    • receiving information as to how they can participate in decisions relating to the education of their child, and

    • inviting parents to Student Assistant Team meetings to help develop solutions for academic success.

Updated August 2023