Bus 492 will be #213 today. Bus #280 will ride #255 on the 2nd round.
BCS inclement weather information is here. Be prepared. https://www.smore.com/dcq01
MuHS Weekly Update: Nov. 13-Nov. 24
Click Here:
Berkeley County Diversity Council virtual meeting is Nov 21. Learn more: https://www.smore.com/ntgmzy
Tutoring options for BCS students. Check it out HERE: https://www.smore.com/6yedz
MuHS will be practicing safety drills this morning.
MuHS Weekly Update: Nov. 6-10
Click Here:
Bus 270 will ride bus 262 on the 2nd wave. Please wait by the flagpole.
Regional Community Outreach Opportunities with Superintendent Stephens are announced. Here's the schedule. Hope you will attend. https://www.smore.com/unprw
Students riding bus #461 will ride bus #268 this afternoon.
Did you know there is a nationwide milk carton shortage? How will this affect BCS students and staff. Read here: https://www.smore.com/jt8n6s
Click Here:
It's your turn in the driver's seat.! Test drive a school bus, and join our bus operator team. Learn more HERE: https://www.smore.com/hbq1s
MuHS Weekly Update:
BCS wants to stay connected to you, your family, and to our community. Here's how we will communicate. READ: https://www.smore.com/qpb3f
Reminder-Tomorrow, October 19, 2023, all Berkeley County Schools (PreK - 12) will operate on a 2-HOUR DELAY. This is a Teacher Prep Day and allows our teachers time to finalize grades, complete report cards, and lesson plan for the coming weeks.
BCS students in the 10th & 11th grade will take the PSAT/NMSQT on Oct. 17. ACTION NEEDED: Testing is digital this year. Please bring your fully charged school issued device to school ready for testing. Get plenty of rest and have a good breakfast.
The Berkeley County Diversity Council will meet virtually on Tues., Oct. 17th. All are invited. Get details and read more about their meetings for the year. HERE: https://www.smore.com/ngqv6
ACTION NEEDED: If you are a BCS community member (not a primary or secondary guardian of a BCS student) and want to receive text & email alerts about school closures, delays, and district updates, you must complete this BCS NTouch Community List Form: https://bcswv.jotform.com/231495261564055
The Berkeley County Diversity Council invites you to attend their virtual monthly meeting on Tues., Oct. 17th at 6 pm. Save the dates & learn more here: https://www.smore.com/ngqv6