image of alyssa heck

MARTINSBURG — Alyssa Heck is a seventh-grade science teacher at Martinsburg North Middle School, but in her spare time, she is also a self-published young adult fantasy author.

Heck republished her book “Binding Fate” on Nov. 7 and is currently working on the next book in her planned duology. She is passionate about both teaching and writing and created a way to do both.

Heck started writing in eighth grade, when she started working as a tutor. One day, when she was waiting for her next session, she was bored and started writing as she waited. After that, she kept coming back to her story, developing it little by little. She finished her book during her last year of college and learned about self-publishing and decided to try sharing her story with others.

“I think my love for writing stems back from my love of reading,” Heck said. “I got into reading in second and third grade. I’ve always been interested in fantasy and reading about characters in unique worlds going on a big adventure that wouldn’t happen in reality. That’s what led me to start writing.”

“Binding Fate” follows a boy named Alzerion, who grows up in the palace of the kingdom of Bachusa. He is given the chance of a better life, yet as he completes his tasks, rumors of rebellion start to take hold. Alzerion finds himself protecting the princess and struggling to put a stop to the rebellion.

Heck published the book under the name Alyssa Rose but soon realized it would be harder than she thought. After getting some feedback after the initial publishing and improving her own writing skills, Heck decided to republish the book again with new changes.

However, writing isn’t Heck’s only passion. Ever since she was in second grade, Heck wanted to be a teacher. She loved going to school and saw how teachers could make their students feel welcomed and important. It was always her goal to become a teacher.

“School was a nice and safe place to me,” Heck said. “I enjoy the aspect of learning and loved to soak in knowledge. Seeing how powerful teachers were and how they motivated and inspired others made me want to be one, too.”

Now, as she works as a science teacher at Martinsburg North Middle School, she gets to share her books with her students and talk about their favorite books. She keeps a copy of her book in her classroom, where her students get to learn more about her writing in between classes.

She hosted a book signing at the school, where both parents and students got to come and learn more about her book. Students also approached her with some of their own work to get feedback and writing advice.

“I always tell them not to feel discouraged,” Heck said. “Everyone cares about what their family thinks, and many people say it’s almost impossible to make writing a career. I tell them that they don’t have to be a New York Times Bestseller to succeed. I also encourage them to write whenever they can and make it a habit. That’s one thing I had to learn as an adult.”

Heck is currently working on the second book of the Fates Align Duology, titled “Enchanted Fate,” which she plans to publish sometime in 2024. She is also working on another writing project based on another story she wrote when she was younger.

To learn more about Heck and her work, visit her author website at