Martinsburg North Middle Welcome Toolkit
Welcome to Our School
Dear Parents and Students,
The 2024-2025 school year will be filled with excitement and learning for all students. The staff at North Middle has prepared themselves to provide a high standard of daily instruction in all subject areas to maximize student learning and development.
Academic achievement and student success is a priority at North. Students are supported and encouraged to meet a high standard of academic excellence as they learn valuable skills. Our students will participate in a variety of learning opportunities in and outside of the classroom to enhance the curriculum.
The staff at North want to help each child shine in the classroom and we want to partner with parents throughout the school year to accomplish this important task. You can participate in your child’s education by overseeing homework, discussing graded class assignments, registering for a parent Schoology account, reviewing report cards with your child, and attending school events and activities.
Communication between home and school is essential.
Thank you in advance for your help in making the 2024-2025 school year a success for your child and our school.
Kevin Pittsnogle, Principal
Vision & Mission
Mission Statement
We at North Middle School are committed to doing WHATEVER IT TAKES to ensure that all students reach their highest potential.
Vision Statement
North Middle School will be a school where there is:
A safe and positive atmosphere of high expectations, professionalism, and enthusiasm for lifelong learning.
Mutual respect among students, staff, faculty and visitors.
A stimulating, inspiring , and organized learning environment
Recognition of the unique talents and needs of students to foster growth.
Evidence of critical thinking.
An expectation of enduring and beneficial participation in our community.