image of stephen malcolm with north middle school staff holding ACE award

Story by Angela F. Durkin

MARTINSBURG — On Tuesday, North Middle School Principal Rebekah Eyler had the honor of presenting language arts teacher Stephen Malcolm with the A Caring Educator (ACE) award for the month of September.

Eyler told the audience the award was kept as a surprise from Malcolm with the help of his wife. Lured to the meeting under false pretenses, the ACE winner was dressed for physical therapy, not to receive an award.

“I am here to proudly represent Mr. Malcolm…as the ACE award for September,” Eyler said. “He’s been at North Middle School since 2010. Actually, we’ve been there together. I started 2011. He teaches sixth grade ELA, and he started our running club, which then it developed into cross country.”

Eyler said Malcolm has gone above and beyond to help students participate in running activities. He had a part in the development of the school’s running track. Also, Malcolm personally worked with students to get affordable shoes and help enter them in races.

As a member of the school’s wellness team, Eyler said Malcolm is always looking for ways to help staff lead healthier lifestyles. Whether it is a step-counting challenge or ways to increase water intake, Malcolm has made an impact with North Middle teachers.

As part of the surprise, Eyler read comments from two of Malcolm’s “favorite students.”

The first student said as a teacher, Malcolm is “charismatic, funny and straight up.” The student also described his coaching style as “motivational and inspiring.”

Eyler said the students enjoy Malcolm’s dad jokes. Notably, the students recalled how Malcolm has become known for saying, “It happened on a Tuesday.” Eyler read, “Well, look, Mr. Malcolm, it happened on a Tuesday.”

The BOE and audience gave Malcolm a standing ovation as he made his way to the podium to accept the award from Eyler.

“I just want to say thank you very much,” board member Damon Wright said. “I talked to Ms. Eyler on the phone, and she told me so many great things about you.”

Wright said he has two family members who know Malcolm — his father and his brother — and both of them agreed with the kind sentiments shared by Eyler.

“It’s good that they backed up exactly what Ms. Eyler said,” Wright said. “So, we really appreciate all that you’re doing. Setting up the running club to promote health, that’s just wonderful, so we really appreciate it. From all of us at the board, thank you.”

As with any surprise, Malcolm was put on the spot and asked to say a few words.

“I can say I definitely did not expect this,” he said. “I was driving home from physical therapy, and I was in the driveway. My wife calls me panicked, saying, ‘You need to go to the board office and pick up something.’’’

His natural reaction was to question why she wouldn’t go, but that gave way and off to the board meeting he went. He said he was taken by surprise, and if he would have known, he would have had on a different outfit.

Humbly, Malcolm said, “There are 40 people at the school who deserve it just as much as me.”