Purchase Your Cap & Gown
Need to order your cap and gown? Please complete the below form to make sure you receive it before graduation!
Cap & Gown Orders must be completed through Jostens.
Report Scholarships
If you have received an academic or athletic scholarship, please complete the above form to be recognized at the Senior Awards Ceremony. This form will need to be filled out for each scholarship you have received.
We will contact the scholarship representative to see if they will send a representative to recognize you at the Senior Awards Ceremony on May 22, 2025. This form is due Friday, April 4, 2025.
MHS Decision Day Sign-Up
Are you attending a 2 or 4-year college or university, enlisting in the military, or joining the workforce? Fill out the form by April 25 to be recognized at the MHS Decision Day on May 1st. Don't forget to wear your college gear to school on MHS Decision Day.
Guest Accomodations
Students who have guests attending graduation who require accommodations must submit this digital request form. Due to limited seating, only two people may assist someone who requires accommodations.
Accommodations available include but are not limited to, sign language interpretation, accessible parking, and accessible seating. This form is due May 9. Passes will be handed out to Seniors on May 19.
Senior Week Events
Monday, May 19, 2025 - Graduation Line Up Practice, Obligations, Medals (Mandatory)
Location: MHS Big Gym
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Dress: Casual
Tuesday, May 20, 2025 - Elementary School Walkthroughs (Optional - must sign up)
Location: tBA
Time: TBA
Dress: Cap & Gown
Wednesday, May 21, 2025 - Community Service & Picnic Hosted by SGA Senior Class (optional)
Time: TBA
Location: TBA
Thursday, May 22, 2025 - Senior Class Picture & Senior Awards (Class Picture is Mandatory, Senior Awards are invitation only)
Location: MHS Big Gym
Time: 8 a.m. Pictures, 10 a.m. Senior Awards
Dress: Cap & Gown
Friday, May 23, 2025 - Senior Breakfast & Outside Graduation Practice ( Mandatory)
Location: Cobourn Field
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Dress: Casual
Other Important Dates
March 6: Cap & Gown Hand Out with Jostens at all 3 lunches in the Library
March 10: Outside Guest Forms for Prom available in room 2008
March 18: National Honor Society Inductions at 6:00 pm in the Big Gym
April 4: Google Form due to report ALL Scholarships for Senior Awards
April 11: Outside Guest Forms for Prom due in room 2008
April 14-21: Spring Break
April 23- May 1: Prom Tickets on Sale at Lunch
April 25: Senior Books Due to Mrs. Hockensmith
April 25: Google Form due for MHS Decision Day Participation
May 1: MHS Decision Day 10:00 AM in the MHS Big Gym
May 3: Prom at the Shenandoah 7:00-10:00 pm
May 9: Google Form due for any Graduation Guest Accommodations (Parking/Seating)
May 12-16: Hand in iPad and charger to Mrs Kissner
May 16: Last Day for Seniors
May 19: Senior Debts and Obligations Due to Ms. Thompson
May ??: Baccalaureate Service (Time and Location TBA)