Welcome Toolkit
Tuscarora Elementary Welcome Toolkits
Dear Parents and Students,
We are excited to welcome you to Tuscarora Elementary School!!!! Whether you are new to Tuscarora or a returning student, we want you to know that this is going to be a wonderful year filled with new experiences, new challenges, and new learning. We are proud to have set student achievement and academic success as a high priority in our classrooms.
We are a school-wide Title I school which means that your child has access to additional materials and services. In addition, we are a CEO school which means every child will receive a free breakfast and lunch. Our school has a dedicated staff, and each one of us is committed to your child’s academic success. We ask that you please help us by making sure that your child is here each day, as we must boost our attendance rate. We also know that any time a child misses school, time is lost that can never be regained.
You will receive a monthly electronic newsletter via NTOUCH. This newsletter will also be posted on our school’s website. We encourage you to use the school and county websites for information about our school. Please call our office if you have any questions.
We look forward to a great 2024 - 2025 school year. We thank you in advance for your support in making this school year a wonderful experience for our students.

Mission Statement
Learning for All - whatever it takes.