Full moon every 29.5 days? Here are a few events and programs you should check out. Maybe you know someone who might want to attend? READ: https://www.smore.com/p2w6n
A Message from the Principal!
Monday, October 9th - No School for Students
Wednesday, October 11th - Sky Zone fundraiser reward trip
Thursday, October 12th - Cross Country Championship meet @ 5:30 p.m. at Poor House Farm
Upcoming Events
Monday, October 16th - Team E/H Field Trip to Luray Caverns
Tuesday, October 17th - End of the 1st 9 Weeks
Wednesday, October 18th - Fall Make Up pictures
Thursday, October 19th - 2-hour delay day for students
Team K/A have 65 seats remaining on our field trip to Luray Caverns. The last day to pay is October 31st.
Mental Health America has just released three new valuable resources to enhance mental health support for Spanish-speaking communities:
Estamos encantados de anunciar el lanzamiento de tres nuevos recursos valiosos para mejorar el apoyo a la salud mental de las comunidades que hablan español:
Cultura, comunidad y conexión: Kit de herramientas de salud mental de BIPOC 2023 - La campaña del mes de la salud mental de comunidades negras, indígenas y de personas de color (BIPOC, por sus siglas en inglés) y el kit de herramientas se diseñaron para proporcionar información de salud mental culturalmente sensible para resaltar tres pilares centrales de cultura, comunidad y conexión y cuán integrales son para comunidades BIPOC. El kit de herramientas incluye hojas informativas, hojas de trabajo, imágenes para compartir y más que pueden ayudar en el discurso comunitario y guiar a las personas hacia recursos útiles.
Selfis, redes sociales y pantallas: Navegando por espacios virtuales para jóvenes: Recursos para el regreso a clases 2023 - La campaña y los recursos para el regreso a clases se desarrollaron para ayudar a aumentar la comprensión de cómo la actividad en línea afecta la salud mental de niños y adolescentes. Las hojas informativas, imágenes compartibles y otros materiales del kit de herramientas se pueden utilizar para ayudar a manejar los desafíos de los espacios virtuales y empoderar a los jóvenes para que tomen decisiones informadas para su salud mental y su bienestar.
Nuevo Centro de Recursos de Salud Mental en español: Nuestro centro de recursos en español proporciona una colección completa de materiales de salud mental para ayudar a individuos, familias y otras personas a acceder valiosos recursos de salud mental para la comunidad que habla español.
Les invitamos a descargar los materiales de nuestras campañas, explorar los recursos en nuestro sitio web y compartirlos con sus comunidades. Juntos, podemos fomentar la concienciación y el apoyo sobre la salud mental para todos.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has scheduled a nationwide test of emergency alert systems for approximately 2:20 p.m. tomorrow, 10/4 at approximately 2:20 p.m. Read more: https://www.smore.com/bq8hj
A Message from the Principal!
Monday, October 2nd - School Custodian Appreciation Day - We appreciate our awesome custodians! Thank you, Mr. McDaniel, Mr. Spears, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Dailey - you keep our school looking fabulous!
October 2nd - November 9th - 2nd Unified Arts rotation
Thursday, October 5th - Cross Country Meet @ 5:30 p.m. at Musselman Middle (Musselman, Mountain Ridge, Hedgesville)
Friday, October 6th - Early Dismissal at 12:30 p.m.
Monday, October 9th - No School for Students
Extended Day brochures were sent home on Friday. Sign up today! Click here to view the brochure: https://tinyurl.com/HMSExtendedDay23
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, October 11th - Sky Zone fundraiser reward trip
Thursday, October 12th - Cross Country Championship meet @ 5:30 p.m. at Poor House Farm
A Message from the Principal!
Thank you to all who participated in the Schoolwide Fundraiser - we profited $7,700! 34 students qualified for the Sky Zone reward trip!
Wednesday, September 27th - Cross Country Meet @ 5:30 p.m. at Poor House Farm. Hedgesville hosts North and Musselman
Thursday, September 28th - Parent/Player meeting for everyone interested in trying out for HMS basketball - 5 - 6 p.m. in the HMS gym (this is for boys and girls)
Friday, September 29th - End of the 1st Unified Arts rotation
TEAM E and TEAM H Luray Caverns Field Trip: - On Tuesday, September 5th, students from Team H and Team E (including Mr. Wilt’s 7th Grade Homeroom) will be receiving the permission slip for the Luray Caverns trip that is planned for Monday, October 16th. The cost of the trip is $75 for students and adults each. Parents who want to Chaperone will have to be Level 1 Chaperones. Money and permission slips are to be turned in to Mr. Warnick in the morning before 7:30AM. All money is due by Wednesday, October 4th, but there are only 210 seats available. You may pay by cash, credit, or check. The fall trip last year sold out in 2 weeks, so if you want to go on the trip I would not wait until the deadline. We will be leaving the school around 8AM and returning around 6PM. We will be eating dinner at Golden Corral in Winchester at 4:30PM. We will not be having lunch at Luray. Students can either pack a lunch, get a school lunch, or bring money to buy food at the Café at Luray Caverns. Click here to pay online: https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/stores/getstoremain - you must create an account and have your student's school ID number to connect to HMS. ONLY 60 SEATS REMAINING
Upcoming Events
Monday, October 2nd - School Custodian Appreciation Day - We appreciate our awesome custodians! Thank you, Mr., McDaniel, Mr. Spears, Mr. Miller, and Mr. Dailey - you keep our school looking fabulous!
October 2nd - November 9th - 2nd Unified Arts rotation
Thursday, October 5th - Cross Country Meet @ 5:30 p.m. at Musselman Middle (Musselman, Mountain Ridge, Hedgesville)
Friday, October 6th - Early Dismissal at 12:30 p.m.
Monday, October 9th - No School for Students
A flyer from the school counselors, click here to view: https://tinyurl.com/NASPFlyer
For your awareness a message from Mrs. Adams: https://www.smore.com/1gr5t
Don't Forget! Tomorrow, September 21st, is our Annual Bullying Prevention Kickoff Event at War Memorial Park from 5pm -7pm. More Details: https://fb.me/e/42Ch3hCu8
To celebrate Attendance Awareness Month, K-12 students will receive a great communication tool this week from the BCS attendance office. Read HERE: https://www.smore.com/rn4yu
A Message from the Principal:
Students and Parents: Our schoolwide Fundraiser ends tomorrow! We have currently made $4,500 in profits toward our $10,000. Please register and text or email friends and family the shopping link to help support HMS. All proceeds will be used for classroom materials, student incentives, and teacher incentives. Thank you! View the fundraiser flyer here: https://portal.charlestonwrap.com/email-4/
Monday, September 18th - Interims/Schoolwide Fundraiser Ends
Tuesday, September 19th - SCHOOL PICTURE DAY (this picture is for the yearbook)
Wednesday, September 20th - Cross Country Meet at Musselman @ 5:30 p.m. (Musselman, South, Hedgesville)
Thursday, September 21st - LSIC meeting (Local School Improvement Council) @ 9:30 a.m. in the Library/Olweus Community Event at War Memorial Park 5 - 7 p.m.
Friday, September 22nd - IXL Summer Challenge Reward Activity
HMS students celebrate Olweus Kick Off week as Guardians of our Galaxy! Join us as we band together to defend our galaxy against bullying.
Monday 9/18- Defend The Galaxy- Dress like your favorite Guardians of the Galaxy or Marvel character.
Tuesday- 9/19- Dress to Impress - SCHOOL PICTURE DAY!
Wednesday- 9/20- Hero in You- Dress like your favorite real-life hero or create your own.
Thursday- 9/21- Team Up Against Bullying- Dress like favorite dynamic duo or twins.
Friday 9/22- Stronger Together- Dress in HMS School Spirit colors or gear.
TEAM E and TEAM H Luray Caverns Field Trip: - On Tuesday, September 5th, students from Team H and Team E (including Mr. Wilt’s 7th Grade Homeroom) will be receiving the permission slip for the Luray Caverns trip that is planned for Monday, October 16th. The cost of the trip is $75 for students and adults each. Parents who want to Chaperone will have to be Level 1 Chaperones. Money and permission slips are to be turned in to Mr. Warnick in the morning before 7:30AM. All money is due by Wednesday, October 4th, but there are only 210 seats available. You may pay by cash, credit, or check. The fall trip last year sold out in 2 weeks, so if you want to go on the trip I would not wait until the deadline. We will be leaving the school around 8AM and returning around 6PM. We will be eating dinner at Golden Corral in Winchester at 4:30PM. We will not be having lunch at Luray. Students can either pack a lunch, get a school lunch, or bring money to buy food at the Café at Luray Caverns. Click here to pay online: https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/stores/getstoremain - you must create an account and have your student's school ID number to connect to HMS. ONLY 100 SEATS REMAINING
Upcoming Events
Thursday, September 28th - Parent/Player meeting for everyone interested in trying out for HMS basketball - 5 - 6 p.m. in the HMS gym (this is for boys and girls)
Students and Parents,
Only 4 days left to participate in our school-wide fundraiser. We have earned $3,500 in profit so far. Our goal is $10,000. Please register and reach out to family and friends via text or email to help our school meet our goal. Students who sell 20 or more items will receive a trip to Sky Zone (during the school day) and will jump for an hour and half. They will return to school for a pizza party. Thank you for your support!
Click here to help us reach our goal: https://tinyurl.com/HMSFundraiser23
Attendance notifications to primary contacts will begin tomorrow, Sept. 15. Learn more about the importance of attendance in student success. MORE: https://www.smore.com/vdm692
Wednesday, September 13th - Cross Country Scrimmage @ 5:30 p.m. at Spring Mills
Schoolwide Fundraiser - Please help us meet our goal of $10,000 profits! All proceeds go toward classroom materials, student incentives, and teacher incentives. Sell 20 items and win a trip to Sky Zone to jump for an hour and a half and pizza party afterward!
View the fundraiser flyer: https://tinyurl.com/HMSFundraiser23
TEAM E and TEAM H Luray Caverns Field Trip: - On Tuesday, September 5th, students from Team H and Team E (including Mr. Wilt’s 7th Grade Homeroom) will be receiving the permission slip for the Luray Caverns trip that is planned for Monday, October 16th. The cost of the trip is $75 for students and adults each. Parents who want to Chaperone will have to be Level 1 Chaperones. Money and permission slips are to be turned in to Mr. Warnick in the morning before 7:30AM. All money is due by Wednesday, October 4th, but there are only 210 seats available. You may pay by cash, credit, or check. The fall trip last year sold out in 2 weeks, so if you want to go on the trip I would not wait until the deadline. We will be leaving the school around 8AM and returning around 6PM. We will be eating dinner at Golden Corral in Winchester at 4:30PM. We will not be having lunch at Luray. Students can either pack a lunch, get a school lunch, or bring money to buy food at the Café at Luray Caverns. Click here to pay online: https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/stores/getstoremain - you must create an account and have your student's school ID number to connect to HMS.
HMS Lady Eagles Girls Basketball Program:
Download the sportsYou app and enter code: U3EM-GJHP
This will give you access to all our program information.
Students participating in conditioning will stay after school.
Parents will pick up outside by the back gym entrance.
If you have any questions, please contact Coach Sara Davidson at sara.davidson@k12.wv.us.
Week 3: 9/11-14
9/11 Monday 3-4:30
9/12 Tuesday 3-4:30
9/13 Wednesday 3-4:30
9/14 Thursday 3-4:30
Week 4: 9/19-21
9/19 Tuesday 3-4:30
9/20 Wednesday 3-4:30
9/21 Thursday 3-4:30
Week 5: 9/25, 9/27, 9/28
9/25 Monday 3-4:30
9/27 Wednesday 3-4:30
9/28 Thursday 3-4:30
HMS Boys Basketball Program:
Any 6th- 8th-grade boy who is interested in trying out for the basketball team in November is welcome to attend our upcoming FLEX's Days (please arrive 15 minutes prior to start time). FLEX days are designed to incorporate skills, conditioning, and situational drills to give insight into what expectations and environments are like during the basketball season. It should be noted that while FLEX days are not mandatory to attend, they are recommended, and no one will be penalized for failure to attend. It should also be noted that just because you attend the FLEX days does not ensure you a spot on the basketball team. Please join our Boys' Basketball Preseason group on SportsYou using the code (5BSYBNKQ). It is through SportsYou that updates about conditionings and information about physicals will be available. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me either through SportsYou or email (jcmatthew1322@gmail.com) . I am looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday. Come ready to work hard!
Sincerely, Coach Matthew
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 18th - Fundraiser ends/Interims
Tuesday, September 19th - Fall Pictures for the yearbook
Wednesday, September 20th - Cross Country Meet @ 5:30 p.m. at Musselman Middle
Thursday, September 21st - LSIC (Local School Improvement Council) meeting @ 9:30 a.m. in the HMS Library
Friday, September 22nd - IXL Summer Challenge Reward
West Virginia General Summative Assessment (WVGSA) results will be sent home from school with your student on Friday, September 8, 2023. DETAILS: https://www.smore.com/j0n12
Our schoolwide fundraiser begins today and runs through Monday, September 18th.
Students who sell 20 items will win a trip to Sky Zone to jump for an hour and a half. Then students will return to HMS for a pizza party.
All proceeds from the sale will be used for classroom materials, student incentives, and teacher incentives.
Thank you for your support!
A Message from the Principal!
Monday, September 4th - Labor Day - No School
Tuesday, September 5th - Fundraiser Kickoff - sell 20 items and win a trip to Sky Zone and a pizza party.
Wednesday, September 6th - Team M will be hosting their "Meet the Teacher" night from 6-7pm. This event is for all current Team M students and their families.
Friday, September 8th - WVGSA West Virginia General Summative Assessment reports come home with students.
TEAM E and TEAM H Luray Caverns Field Trip: - On Tuesday, September 5th, students from Team H and Team E (including Mr. Wilt’s 7th Grade Homeroom) will be receiving the permission slip for the Luray Caverns trip that is planned for Monday, October 16th. The cost of the trip is $75 for students and adults each. Parents who want to Chaperone will have to be Level 1 Chaperones. Money and permission slips are to be turned in to Mr. Warnick in the morning before 7:30AM. All money is due by Wednesday, October 4th, but there are only 210 seats available. You may pay by cash, credit, or check. The fall trip last year sold out in 2 weeks, so if you want to go on the trip I would not wait until the deadline. We will be leaving the school around 8AM and returning around 6PM. We will be eating dinner at Golden Corral in Winchester at 4:30PM. We will not be having lunch at Luray. Students can either pack a lunch, get a school lunch, or bring money to buy food at the Café at Luray Caverns. Click here to pay online: https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/stores/getstoremain - you must create an account and have your student's school ID number to connect to HMS.
HMS Lady Eagles Girls Basketball Program:
Download the sportsYou app and enter code: U3EM-GJHP
This will give you access to all our program information.
Students participating in conditioning will stay after school.
Parents will pick up outside by the back gym entrance.
If you have any questions, please contact Coach Sara Davidson at sara.davidson@k12.wv.us.
Week 2: 9/5-7
9/5 Tuesday 3-4:30
9/6 Wednesday 3-4:30
9/7 Thursday 3-4:30
Week 3: 9/11-14
9/11 Monday 3-4:30
9/12 Tuesday 3-4:30
9/13 Wednesday 3-4:30
9/14 Thursday 3-4:30
Week 4: 9/19-21
9/19 Tuesday 3-4:30
9/20 Wednesday 3-4:30
9/21 Thursday 3-4:30
Week 5: 9/25, 9/27, 9/28
9/25 Monday 3-4:30
9/27 Wednesday 3-4:30
9/28 Thursday 3-4:30
HMS Boys Basketball Program:
Any 6th- 8th-grade boy who is interested in trying out for the basketball team in November is welcome to attend our upcoming FLEX Day on September 6th from 730-9 PM (please arrive 15 minutes prior to start time. FLEX days are designed to incorporate skills, conditioning, and situational drills to give insight into what expectations and environments are like during the basketball season. It should be noted that while FLEX days are not mandatory to attend, they are recommended, and no one will be penalized for failure to attend. It should also be noted that just because you attend the FLEX days does not ensure you a spot on the basketball team. Please join our Boys' Basketball Preseason group on SportsYou using the code (5BSYBNKQ). It is through SportsYou that updates about conditionings and information about physicals will be available. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me either through SportsYou or email (jcmatthew1322@gmail.com) . I am looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday. Come ready to work hard!
Sincerely, Coach Matthew
We have had a fantastic first week back to school!
Please complete the HMS Annual Emergency Update. Visit the BCS website to update: https://www.berkeleycountyschools.org/page/update
Thursday, August 31st - Back to School Dance - 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. The cost is $5. Tickets are on sale at breakfast and lunchtime. Dance is for HMS students ONLY. Parents must be able to pick students up at the back of the school (cafeteria/gym area) at 4:30 p.m. Concessions will be available to benefit the HMS Cheerleading team.
Happy Labor Day!
Monday, September 4th - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, September 5th - Schoolwide Fundraiser Kickoff! Sale runs from September 5th - September 18th! Sell 20 items and win a trip to Sky Zone and pizza party! Check out what's coming from Charleston Wrap here: https://portal.charlestonwrap.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/2023-FALL-Social-Media-Image-Bank-01.jpg
A Message from the Principal!
Hello! We are excited to welcome our students to Hedgesville Middle School and know we are going to have a fantastic year!
Please remember that students may enter the building at 7:10 a.m. and school begins at 7:30 a.m. Please make every effort to arrive to school on time.
School ends at 2:30 p.m. If you are picking your student up, please remember that buses have the right of way. Please allow buses to leave before driving through our parking lot. Please help keep our students and staff safe!
There is one more week of our IXL Challenge - complete the 20 skills before Friday, August 25th to win a reward activity. Start the challenge: https://tinyurl.com/SummerIXLChallenge23 If you are having problems logging on to Clever - please click here for new log in information: https://tinyurl.com/BCSCleverFlyer
All parents need to update their annual emergency information! Visit the BCS website to update: https://www.berkeleycountyschools.org/page/update
Please download the new BCS app and choose Hedgesville Middle School as your school. I send out weekly newsletters concerning upcoming events and activities. Download for Android: https://bit.ly/3MDmO5Y
Download for iPhone: https://apple.co/3MyWcTQ
A message from our counselors:
The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children as individuals who lack a fixed regular, and adequate nighttime residence including
i. Sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; living in hotels, campgrounds, emergency, or transitional shelters.
ii. A primary nighttime residence that is a place not designed for sleeping accommodations.
iii. Living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, or similar settings.
iv. Migratory children who are living in similar situations as listed above.
If your child is experiencing something like what is listed, please call one of the counselors (Ms. Riggs or Mrs. Corea) at the school to discuss resources that may be available to you.
Cross Country: Cross Country will begin on August 28th and end October 12th. Students must have a completed sports physical in order to participate. Practice will run from 2:45-4:00 most days. Meets all begin at 5:30 on Wednesday or Thursdays. Informational handouts will be available to all students. There will also be announcements made over HMS News. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Bennett at ddbennett@k12.wv.us
Cheerleading Tryouts - Any student interested in cheering or being mascot for HMS this year and you missed the first tryout that took place, please join us for our secondary tryout on August 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. 5:30-7:30 You must attend all 3 days and must have a sports physical in order to try out. Enter through the back doors closest to the gym/cafeteria. Any questions or concerns please email us at HMS.cheer@aol.com
Thursday, August 31st - Back to School Dance - 2:30 - 4:30 in the gym. The cost of the dance is $5. The dance is for HMS students only. Please pick students up promptly at 4:30 p.m. at the back doors of the school by the gym/cafeteria. Tickets will be on sale during breakfast and lunch the week of the dance.
We are disappointed to announce that our Back-to-School swimming trips have been cancelled due to a lack of lifeguards. We will be researching ways to hold the swimming trips in May 2024.
Thank you for your support! We are excited for a wonderful year full of fun and learning!
Mrs. Adams
Cross Country will begin on August 28th and end October 12th. Students must have a completed sports physical in order to participate. Practice will run from 2:45-4:00 most days. Meets all begin at 5:30 on Wednesday or Thursdays. Informational handouts will be available to all students. There will also be announcements made over HMS News. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Bennett at ddbennett@k12.wv.us.
Parents and Students:
We are excited to welcome you to the 2023/2024 school year! It is going to be fantastic!
HMS Orientation is on Tuesday, August 15th from 5 to 7 p.m.
Returning students will report to the gym on Monday, August 21st to receive their schedule. View the orientation letter: https://tinyurl.com/HMSOrientationLetter23
Don't miss out! Complete the IXL Summer Challenge today! The deadline to complete the challenge is Friday, August 25th. Start the challenge: https://tinyurl.com/SummerIXLChallenge23
If you are having problems logging on to Clever - please click here for new log in information: https://tinyurl.com/BCSCleverFlyer
Berkeley County Schools has a NEW app - download the new app today and choose Hedgesville Middle School to stay up to date with all school news!
Download for Android: https://bit.ly/3MDmO5Y
Download for iPhone: https://apple.co/3MyWcTQ
HMS Cheerleading Tryouts - Any student interested in cheering or being mascot for HMS this year and you missed the first tryout that took place, please join us for our secondary tryout on August 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. 5:30-7:30 You must attend all 3 days and must have a sports physical in order to try out. Enter through the back doors closest to the gym/cafeteria. Any questions or concerns please email us at HMS.cheer@aol.com
Thank you and enjoy your last week of Summer Break!
We're aware of log in issues with Clever and IXL. Please see the flyer for the new way to login in to Clever and access IXL from there. See flyer: https://tinyurl.com/BCSCleverFlyer
Also, incoming 6th graders, please be aware that Tomahawk's system has already updated and Hedgesville Middle's has not yet, thus we may not be able at this time to retrieve your passwords.
Take the summer challenge: https://tinyurl.com/SummerIXLChallenge23