Student & Parent Reference Guide
(Effective Spring 2017) The Berkeley County Board of Education recognizes that clothing and footwear worn by students in its public schools can often preoccupy and distract students from their major purpose for being in school, which is obtaining an education. The dress code procedure shall apply to all school activities during the school day. Berkeley County Schools plans to disseminate information and implement this procedure through, but not limited to; staff development, student instruction, student/parent notification, and media/internet usage. Exception for legitimate reasons such as a medical condition, religious practice, or for specialized classes or activities will be considered and may be granted by the school administration on a case by case basis. The school administrator reserves the right to approve or disapprove any items not addressed in this procedure. Decision to approve or disapprove items will be based on the goal of providing a safe and orderly environment for the education of all students.
Clothing Shirts must be worn in such a manner so as to:
Cover the entire back and midriff area at all times
Cover the top of the shoulders with a minimum of 2” wide straps
Not be see-through
Fit modestly so that cleavage area is covered
Cover undergarments
Cover spaghetti straps or halters with a button-up shirt
Not have cut out areas, muscle shirts and tank tops are considered undergarments and must have a shirt over them or under them.
Shorts, skirts, skorts, and dresses must be worn in such a manner as to:
Cover the mid-thigh when sitting down and be at least long enough to meet the tip of the student’s longest finger when the student is standing with arms down at their sides.
Slits must conform to the above Pants must be worn in such a manner as to:
Cover undergarments at all times
Not be excessively long so as to drag on the floor
Not be excessively baggy so as to fall down or be constantly pulled up to the waist
Not have cut, ripped or open areas above the knees
Pajamas/boxers are not considered school attire
Uniforms or uniform dress may be required to be worn in curricular and extra-curricular activities. This is not limited to the following:
JROTC, Physical Education, Band, Chorus, Athletic Teams, and other classes or programs deemed appropriate by the school principal.
Federal guidelines for free and reduced meals must be met in any school for uniform or non-uniform required dress activity.
• Schools may have volunteer dress-up days, school color days, theme days, or other dress days approved by the principal. Shoes must be worn at all times. Shoes must fit securely enough to the foot in order to allow safe movement. Trench coats are not to be worn during the school day and should be stored appropriately. Hats, bandanas, sweat-bands, and other types of head coverings will not be worn during the school day indoors. Bedroom slippers are not permitted.
• Jewelry and Accessories - Any jewelry or accessory that can be used or is perceived as a weapon is prohibited. Jewelry and accessories considered inappropriate but not limited to are:
• Jewelry with spikes, including chokers, rings or bracelets
• Chains that could cause injury or damage such as pocket chains, dog chains, etc.
• Sunglasses will not be worn during the school day indoors.
• Language, Symbols, and Messages Student appearance and apparel must not show any reference to or inference of:
Profanity or obscenities
Drugs, alcohol, or tobacco related products
Derogatory or ethnic symbols that causes a disruption
Violence, blood, gang membership, guns, knives, or weapons of any kind
Suggestive or sexual messages
Language or symbols that offend, demean, or promote hatred towards any identifiable person or group
Words or symbols deemed to be inappropriate for the school setting such as rude, disrespectful, or discourteous expressions inconsistent with civil discourse and behavior
Body piercing that causes a disruption, interferes with the educational setting, or presents a safety concern