Please see the link for Potomack's community update. Have a great evening!
2 months ago, Potomack Intermediate School
The School Excess Levy contributes to 15 percent of the BCS operating budget, providing salary supplements and benefits to all employees. Early voting is open from May 1 - May 11, and Election Day is Tuesday, May 14. MORE:
3 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Good evening! Please see the link for Potomack's community update.
3 months ago, Potomack Intermediate School
Interested in becoming a coach at a WV School? Register for the upcoming classes in May here:
3 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Bus 402 is running a bit behind and hasn't arrived at Potomack yet. Please remain at the stop. They are en route to Potomack currently and will arrive on bus 82. Thank you!
3 months ago, Potomack Intermediate School
Bus 212 has not arrived to Potomack yet as they are delayed by traffic. It is expected they will to our school in 10 minutes. Please remain at the stop. Thank you!
3 months ago, Potomack Intermediate School
Registration for 2024 Summer SOLE & Credit Recovery Summer School is now open! Follow the link to sign up:
3 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Join us for an evening of fun and learning at the upcoming Title I Family Math Night on Apr. 9! LEARN MORE AND REGISTER HERE:
3 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Please click the link below for Potomack's community update as students return to school tomorrow, Monday, April 8. Thank you!
3 months ago, Potomack Intermediate School
As a reminder, next week is Spring Break. Our next regular community update will be delivered on Sunday, April 7 at 6:00pm like usual. Thank you!
3 months ago, Potomack Intermediate School
Catch up on the latest news and reminders before you head out for Spring Break! Enjoy your time off, rest up, and most importantly, have fun! READ MORE:
3 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Please see the link for Potomack's community update. Thank you!
3 months ago, Potomack Intermediate School
Be on the lookout for school climate surveys beginning Monday, March 25! Each school will send out unique links for their parent, student, and staff climate surveys. Surveys are due by April 12! If you have any questions, please contact your school.
3 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Bus 212 is running a bit late. Please remain at the stop to collect your student. Thank you!
4 months ago, Potomack Intermediate School
Report cards for students in Grades 3-12 will be issued Tuesday, March 19. Current grades are posted on Schoology. We appreciate your patience!
4 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Please see the link below for Potomack Intermediate's community update. Have a great evening!
4 months ago, Potomack Intermediate School
The Federal Programs department is offering FREE Parent Education Workshops for parents/caregivers in Grades K-8! Learn more and sign up at the link below:
4 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Please see the link for Potomack's update for next week. Have a great evening!
4 months ago, Potomack Intermediate School
2024-2025 Student Enrollment for new Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Virtual School registrations is now open! Here's how to get started:
4 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Please see the link for Potomack's community update for this upcoming week. Have a great day!
4 months ago, Potomack Intermediate School