Potomack Intermediate Welcome Toolkit
Welcome to Our School
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers,
It is a continual honor and privilege to be the principal of Potomack Intermediate School, a school with the highest expectations for staff and students alike. I have been inspired by the impressive work accomplished daily. As we continue to move forward, the staff at Potomack Intermediate will continue to commit to strengthening relationships, emotional well-being, and academic excellence for every student. We make it our mission to provide a quality and equitable educational experience for all, with the more than 800 families we serve in this community. We are a school made up of caring educators who care about the people and the mission.
It is an honor, joy, and privilege to serve this community. Thank you for trusting me, our administrative team, teachers, and support staff to lead us. We are excited to welcome our students and families back for an incredible school year, and we are ready to embrace the pride and tradition of Potomack Intermediate School where the Potomack Eagles SOAR high!
Craig Arch, Ed.D.
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Comments or Suggestions? Please email Dr. Arch at carch@k12.wv.us