Thank you for your interest in the BCVS pathway. We would like to share some valuable information we have discovered during the last few years of the program.
Who will be teaching Berkeley County Virtual School?
BCS Virtual School classes will be instructed using a staff of BCS virtual teachers and adjunct (part-time) teachers. There are also a few courses that are taught by WV virtual teachers.
What if my Berkeley County Virtual School student still wants to take part in school-based extracurricular activities?
Students can still take part in extracurricular activities at their “home” school. For example, if a student in the virtual program would typically attend Martinsburg High, then that student could take part in extracurricular activities at Martinsburg High School. All WVSSAC and school requirements must be met. Some co-curricular activities require enrollment in a specific course at the home school, so participation in these co-curricular activities may not be possible. Please contact your school’s athletic director for more specifics.
If my student is enrolled in virtual school, how do they get the technology and equipment they need?
Your child’s home school is responsible for making sure they have everything they need for virtual learning. For example, if your child would be enrolled at Spring Mills Middle for virtual learning, the Spring Mills technology specialist will be in charge of providing the student's equipment. Reliable home internet is required and should be considered when pursuing this pathway.
My student has an IEP. Will special education services be available in the virtual program?
Multiple services and accommodations for students with an IEP or 504 Plan will be available in the virtual program. If a student has an IEP or 504 Plan, the home school for the student will convene a meeting to discuss the appropriateness of the virtual program. The IEP team will then meet to determine the appropriate services.
Is tutoring offered?
Tutoring is available to all BCVS students by Berkeley County Schools. See sign-up sheet in the Quick Links section of this page.
Can students return to traditional school if they don't like the virtual pathway?
Once you have gone through the process to fully enroll in the Berkeley County WVVS pathway, you will stay in the program for at least one semester.
Will state testing be required?
Since you are a member of Berkeley County Schools, you will be required to take state-mandated tests (i.e. IXL, PSAT, SAT, WV General Summative Assessment, NAEP, etc). You will be contacted by your individual home schools or the virtual staff on when and how to participate.
Are student's tests proctored?
Yes, tests are proctored virtually with a BCVS school staff member(s). There will be a calendar of pre-determined dates shared with the students at the beginning of the semester.
When will students receive grades?
A student can check his/her grades in all classes on the learning platform. Parents should check the student's progress on a regular basis. Grades will be transcribed at the semester, not each nine weeks. A hard copy of a report card can be requested.
How much time will be spent on the classes per week?
The average student spends 20 - 25 quality hours actively learning each week. This can vary based on the student's learning style and needs. You will need to follow a pacing guide to ensure that there is a consistent flow in your learning. We highly recommend setting a daily routine and attendance will be recorded. Our staff will be available to coach you along the way.
Can students attend some classes via virtual school and some classes at their home school?
We are unable to support blended schedules at this time due to staffing. A student must be full time virtual. If you have specific questions, please contact Holly Branch.
What courses are available?
Virtual school provides all the necessary courses needed to meet WV graduation requirements. Courses must be in the Berkeley County Program of Studies of approved courses and a certified teacher must be obtained. Some courses may not be provided in the BCVS pathway even though it is listed. Your school counselor and the virtual school staff will help you build your schedule.
Who teaches virtual courses?
The classes are all housed in an online platform and the student will navigate through each course in order, at a consistent pace. This teacher will not provide the instruction for all of the lesson, but they will be there for you to ask questions and to provide support. You will receive support and guidance from a Berkeley County or WV certified teacher via email, phone, TEAMS, and communication apps. Students in grades K-12 will be required to attend weekly TEAMS meetings for live instruction.
** We will have a team of Berkeley County virtual teachers. Some will be full-time, others will be part-time. Teachers respond within 36 hours Monday-Friday.
Is the virtual pathway for a student's education easy?
Our main priority in Berkeley County is to provide all students with a quality education. There is a significant shift between education in the school setting versus the virtual setting. The virtual platform takes a bit of time to get used to and to master. This may cause initial stress and frustration. To help with this change, we provide a mandatory orientation where we provide an initial introduction to the platform. It still takes a few weeks to become comfortable with the new process. Once you establish your style and schedule, you will enjoy the flexibilty and autonomy. The virtual school staff will be there all along the way to help you whenever you need it.
Am I still a Berkeley County Student?
Yes! The BCVS is not its own school. All BCVS students are members of their respective schools, can participate in school activities and are encouraged to do so. Students will be working with their schools to create schedules, take school assessments, and to participate in school activities. Students can graduate with a BCS high school diploma and can take almost all of the same classes as students who attend in person.
Who is eligible to participate in the Berkeley County Virtual School Pathway?
Students enrolled in Berkeley County Schools that require a flexible education plan are eligible to participate in the program. Students must be able to work independently, have reliable home internet, and maintain good communication with the BCVS staff. Enrollments involve the caregiver completing a readiness quiz to assess if BCVS is a good fit, the home schools recommendation, and the caregiver's final commitment.
Is BCVS the same as the "click" option?
No. Even though they are both virtual learning, they are very different. The Berkeley County Schools "Click" option provided direct, face-to-face instruction from a Berkeley County teacher. Click was more interactive and provided more daily support. The BCVS is not direct instruction. The student will be using an online platform to read the materials to learn the content.
What level of involvement is required from parent/guardian?
It is important to realize the familial commitment that you will be making when you sign your child up for this program. While students have teachers for their classes, much of the responsibility for developing a schedule, monitoring student work, and providing support will come from the family. Most students cannot complete the BCVS pathway without significant parental support. That support comes in the form of setting up the structure and monitoring student progress.