About Our School


The village of Pikeside on the Winchester Pike is situated at Big Springs, famous for an Indian attack on the home of Jacob Evans in the French and Indian War. The town was started by Alexander Clohan, Charles J. Faulkner, and George M. Bowers, laying off a number of building lots. It was the home of the noted Confederate scout and ex-senator, Robert C. Burkhart. The history of the school is nearly nonexistent. It was used in 1925 as a four-room consolidated school for grades 1-8 on two acres of land. Children who had been students at Cambridge, a one-room school on what is now Paynes Ford Road, were transferred to Pikeside and Cambridge was closed. In those early years, students came from Pikeside, Darksville, and Tablers and were transported by truck. Virginia Miller was principal in the mid-1950s with Mrs. Mary Damn, Ms. Delores Gregory, Mrs. Edith Snowberger, Mrs. Ruth Mosse, Mrs. Helen Hoffman, Mrs. Rosemary Kibler, and Ms. Eleanor Childs as classroom teachers. Granville Shirley was also principal, leaving to become principal of the new South Junior High when it opened. The cafeteria was added in the 1940s with additional classrooms on the lower level to handle increased enrollment. It continued in use as a grade school until the late 1970s or early 1980 when it discontinued as a grade school and became a school for special education.

It houses 12 Pre-K Classrooms during the day and is the home to the Berkeley County Transition Program in the evenings. 


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