Winter break and the end of the semester are coming. Helpful reminders and details are HERE:
7 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Fall is wrapping up and winter is headed our way. Be ready. Let us help:
7 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
BCS inclement weather information is here. Be prepared.
8 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Berkeley County Diversity Council virtual meeting is Nov 21. Learn more:
8 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Tutoring options for BCS students. Check it out HERE:
8 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Regional Community Outreach Opportunities with Superintendent Stephens are announced. Here's the schedule. Hope you will attend.
8 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
It's your turn in the driver's seat.! Test drive a school bus, and join our bus operator team. Learn more HERE:
8 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
BCS wants to stay connected to you, your family, and to our community. Here's how we will communicate. READ:
9 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
The Berkeley County Diversity Council will meet virtually on Tues., Oct. 17th. All are invited. Get details and read more about their meetings for the year. HERE:
9 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
ACTION NEEDED: If you are a BCS community member (not a primary or secondary guardian of a BCS student) and want to receive text & email alerts about school closures, delays, and district updates, you must complete this BCS NTouch Community List Form:
9 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has scheduled a nationwide test of emergency alert systems for approximately 2:20 p.m. tomorrow, 10/4 at approximately 2:20 p.m. Read more:
9 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Don't Forget! Tomorrow, September 21st, is our Annual Bullying Prevention Kickoff Event at War Memorial Park from 5pm -7pm. More Details:
9 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Back to school preparation tools and tasks sprinkled into this message for you. Take a minute to review for NEW app information, sales tax holiday, orientations and school supplies. SMORE:
11 months ago, Berkeley County Schools
Back to School sales tax Holiday Aug 4-7