
"If you think our hands are full, you should see our HEARTS!" - HES Counselors


Our school counselors focus on academic, career, and personal development to ensure that every student benefits from a program that is comprehensive in scope, preventative in design, and developmental in nature. 

Here you will find helpful school counseling resources for your Hedgesville Elementary student and your family!

Meet the Counselor

Mission & Vision

Mission Statement 

The school counseling program at Hedgesville Elementary is designed to provide a safe, supportive atmosphere where students can attain personal/social, academic and career success through a collaborative partnership with other educators, families, and the community.

We work hand in hand to nurture the physical, emotional, and intellectual dimensions that enhance life-long learning and foster a positive self-esteem that leads to becoming productive members of our community. 

Vision Statement

Hedgesville Elementary students will acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to maximize their full potential and successfully reach their full potential while managing their lives as healthy, responsible, competent, and productive citizens.

The School Counseling program focuses on the West Virginia Student Success Standards. Students will learn how to increase interpersonal and social skills, refine learning and work.

School Counseling