Hello! My name is Melissa Álvaro and I am your School Counselor. I was born in Manhattan, New York, and attended Shippensburg University. I am always up for an adventure and dancing! I have been a School Counselor for four years and am overjoyed to get this school year started.
As a school counselor, we believe that:
All students should be treated with dignity, respect, and worth.
All students have the right to participate in the school counseling program.
All students compose a unique and diverse student population and should be addressed when planning and implementing the school counseling program.
Each student’s ethnic, cultural, racial, and sexual differences and special needs must be considered in planning and implementing the school counseling program.
All students should act in a manner that demonstrates respect for and acceptance of others.
All students have the opportunity to become productive, cooperative, socially responsible, and ethically sensitive members of a global society.
All students should be encouraged to achieve optimal personal growth, to acquire positive social skills and values, to set appropriate career goals, and to realize full academic potential in order to become productive, contributing members of the world community.
Please feel free to contact me anytime you feel I can be of assistance. I will always be available to support your students’ academic and social-emotional needs.